Getting Started


Our API was developed to extract news from almost any source.

To get started simply sign up and use your API token in any of the available API endpoints documented below for instant access.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.


As mentioned above, when you sign up for free you will find your API token on your dashboard. Simply add this to any of our API endpoints as a GET parameter to gain access. Examples of how this is done can be found below.

API Endpoints

Article Extraction


                GET HTTP/1.1

If you have issues with your requests, please ensure your GET parameters are URL-encoded.

All text data returned is UTF-8.

All dates are in UTC (GMT).

HTTP GET Parameters

name required description
api_token true Your API token which can be found on your account dashboard.
url true Url of the articles which you want to extract.
include_html false Optionally include the full HTML of the article. Not included by default.
language false Specify a language for stopwords. If this is omitted we try to detect the language.

Response Objects

name description
data > publish_date The article publish date.
data > source_url The url of the article source.
data > url The article url.
data > canonical_link The canonical link of the article.
data > title The article title.
data > top_image The top main image of the article.
data > images An array of all images within the article.
data > videos An array of all videos within the article.
data > text The full extracted text of the article.
data > tags The datetime the article was published.
data > authors An array of authors.
data > meta_image Meta data image.
data > meta_description Meta data description.
data > meta_keywords Meta data keywords.
data > meta_lang Meta data language.
data > meta_favicon Meta data favicon.
data > meta_site_name Meta data site name.
data > meta_data An array of all unstructured meta data within the article.
data > html Optional - HTML of the article. See include_html parameter for more information.
Supported stopword languages
code full name
ar Arabic
ru Russian
nl Dutch
de German
en English
es Spanish
fr French
he Hebrew
it Italian
ko Korean
no Norwegian
fa Persian
pl Polish
pt Portuguese
sv Swedish
hu Hungarian
fi Finnish
da Danish
zh Chinese
id Indonesian
vi Vietnamese
sw Swahili
tr Turkish
el Greek
uk Ukrainian

Example Request


Example Response

              "publish_date": "2022-09-12 14:00:05+00:00",
              "title":"'Breathtaking' Webb images to reveal the secrets of star birth",
              "text":"CNN —

                    “Breathtaking” images of a stellar nursery in the Orion Nebula taken by the James Webb Space Telescope are revealing intricate details about how stars and planetary systems form.

                    The images, released Monday, shed light on an environment similar to our own solar system when it formed more than 4.5 billion years ago. Observing the Orion Nebula will help space scientists better understand what happened during the first million years of the Milky Way’s planetary evolution, said Western University astrophysicist Els Peeters in a news release.

                    “We are blown away by the breathtaking images of the Orion Nebula. We started this project in 2017, so we have been waiting more than five years to get these data,” Peeters said.

                    “These new observations allow us to better understand how massive stars transform the gas and dust cloud in which they are born,” Peeters added.

                    The inner region of the Orion Nebula as seen by the James Webb Space Telescope's NIRCam instrument. NASA/ESA/CSA/PDRS4all

                    The hearts of stellar nurseries like the Orion Nebula are obscured by large amounts of stardust, making it impossible to study what is happening inside with instruments like the Hubble Space Telescope, which rely mainly on visible light.

                    Webb, however, detects the infrared light of the cosmos, which allows observers to see through these layers of dust, revealing the action happening deeply inside the Orion Nebula, the release said. The images are the most detailed and sharpest taken of the nebula – which is situated in the Orion constellation 1,350 light-years away from Earth – and the latest offering from the Webb telescope, which began operating in July.

                    “Observing the Orion Nebula was a challenge because it is very bright for Webb’s unprecedented sensitive instruments. But Webb is incredible, Webb can observe distant and faint galaxies, as well as Jupiter and Orion, which are some of the brightest sources in the infrared sky,” said research scientist Olivier Berné at CNRS, the French National Center for Scientific Research, in the news release.

                    The new images reveal numerous structures inside the nebula, including proplyds – a central protostar surrounded by a disk of dust and gas in which planets form.

                    “We have never been able to see the intricate fine details of how interstellar matter is structured in these environments, and to figure out how planetary systems can form in the presence of this harsh radiation. These images reveal the heritage of the interstellar medium in planetary systems,” said Emilie Habart, an associate professor at Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS) in France.

                    Also clearly visible at the heart of the Orion Nebula is the trapezium cluster of young massive stars that shape the cloud of dust and gas with their intense ultraviolet radiation, according to the news release. Understanding how this radiation impacts the cluster’s surroundings is key to understanding the formation of stellar systems.

                    “Massive young stars emit large quantities of ultraviolet radiation directly into the native cloud that still surrounds them, and this changes the physical shape of the cloud as well as its chemical makeup. How precisely this works, and how it affects further star and planet formation is not yet well known,” Peeters said.

                    The images will be studied by an international collaboration of more than 100 scientists in 18 countries known as PDRs4All.",
                 "Katie Hunt"
              "meta_description":"""Breathtaking"" images of a stellar nursery in the Orion Nebula taken by the James Webb Space Telescope are revealing intricate details about how stars and planetary systems form.",
                 "celestial bodies and objects",
                 "planets and moons",
                 "space and astronomy",
                    "title":"New 'breathtaking' Webb images to reveal the secrets of star birth | CNN",
                    "description":"""Breathtaking"" images of a stellar nursery in the Orion Nebula taken by the James Webb Space Telescope are revealing intricate details about how stars and planetary systems form.",
                    "title":"New 'breathtaking' Webb images to reveal the secrets of star birth | CNN",
                    "description":"""Breathtaking"" images of a stellar nursery in the Orion Nebula taken by the James Webb Space Telescope are revealing intricate details about how stars and planetary systems form.",
                 "description":"""Breathtaking"" images of a stellar nursery in the Orion Nebula taken by the James Webb Space Telescope are revealing intricate details about how stars and planetary systems form.",
                    "tag":"celestial bodies and objects, planets and moons, space and astronomy, science",
                 "keywords":"celestial bodies and objects, planets and moons, space and astronomy, science",
                 "author":"Katie Hunt",



If your request was unsuccessful, you will receive a JSON formatted error. Below you will find the potential errors you may encounter when using the API.


error code HTTP status description
malformed_parameters 400 Validation of parameters failed. The failed parameters are usually shown in the error message.
invalid_api_token 401 Invalid API token.
usage_limit_reached 402 Usage limit of your plan has been reached. Usage limit and remaining requests can be found on the X-UsageLimit-Limit header.
endpoint_access_restricted 403 Access to the endpoint is not available on your current subscription plan.
resource_not_found 404 Resource could not be found.
invalid_api_endpoint 404 API route does not exist.
rate_limit_reached 429 Too many requests in the past 60 seconds. Rate limit and remaining requests can be found on the X-RateLimit-Limit header.
server_error 500 A server error occured.
maintenance_mode 503 The service is currently under maintenance.

Example Error Response

                "error": {
                    "code": "malformed_parameters",
                    "message": "The published_before parameter(s) are incorrectly formatted."


Code Examples

See our prepared examples below to quickly get started implementing our API into your next project.


        $queryString = http_build_query([
            'api_token' => 'YOUR_API_TOKEN',
            'url' => '',

        $ch = curl_init(sprintf('%s?%s', '', $queryString));
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

        $json = curl_exec($ch);


        $apiResult = json_decode($json, true);



        # Python 3
        import http.client, urllib.parse

        conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('')

        params = urllib.parse.urlencode({
            'api_token': 'YOUR_API_TOKEN',
            'url': '',

        conn.request('GET', '/v1/news/all?{}'.format(params))

        res = conn.getresponse()
        data =



        package main

        import (

        func main() {
            baseURL, _ := url.Parse("")

            baseURL.Path += "v1/news/all"

            params := url.Values{}
            params.Add("api_token", "YOUR_API_TOKEN")
            params.Add("url", "")

            baseURL.RawQuery = params.Encode()

            req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", baseURL.String(), nil)

            res, _ := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)

            defer res.Body.Close()

            body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)



        var requestOptions = {
            method: 'GET'

        var params = {
            api_token: 'YOUR_API_TOKEN',
            url: ''

        var esc = encodeURIComponent;
        var query = Object.keys(params)
            .map(function(k) {return esc(k) + '=' + esc(params[k]);})

        fetch("" + query, requestOptions)
          .then(response => response.text())
          .then(result => console.log(result))
          .catch(error => console.log('error', error));


        var client = new RestClient("");
        client.Timeout = -1;

        var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET);

        request.AddQueryParameter("api_token", "YOUR_API_TOKEN");
        request.AddQueryParameter("url", "");

        IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);


        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient().newBuilder()

        HttpUrl.Builder httpBuilder = HttpUrl.parse("").newBuilder();
        httpBuilder.addQueryParameter("api_token", "YOUR_API_TOKEN");
        httpBuilder.addQueryParameter("url", "");

        Request request = new Request.Builder().url(;

        Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();